Committee Member John Goodge has chosen the 1955 edition of the Barber’s Almanack (full title the Barber’s Littleport and District Directory and Almanack and Full Budget of Local Information).

Each year, the publication would include items of local interest gathered from regional newspapers during the past year together with lists of parish weddings and burials, interesting general knowledge facts, useful practical hints and details of the governing bodies, places of worship, public establishments, clubs and societies within the parish.
A final section contains a directory of Littleport and District which comprehensively listed the householders and businesses of the village.
The text was interspersed with advertisements placed by local traders and the whole book presented a unique snapshot of life in Littleport at the time of publication.
The Almanack was first printed by William Barber in 1897 and subsequently by G T Watson, printers of Victoria Street until the final edition in 1966.
The Littleport Society possesses an almost complete collection of the Almanack in its archives.