The Alehouses, Beerhouses, Inns, Public Houses, Taverns, and Breweries of Littleport


by John Goodge

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This book from John Goodge of The Littleport Society, details through extensive research, the history of the alehouses, beerhouses, inns, public houses, taverns, and breweries within the parish of Littleport.

The book incorporates colour and black and white photographs, old adverts, census data, old newspaper reports, and lists the proprietors of each venue. The book also examines the changes in law and its impact on drinking behaviour, and takes a look at what’s left of Littleport’s pubs in 2025.

Additional information

Weight 0.750 kg
Dimensions 29.8 × 21.1 × 1 cm

John Goodge

Publication Date


Number of pages

144 pages




The Littleport Society