
Celebrating our 30th Anniversary

The Littleport Society celebrated its 30th Anniversary in 2017.

On Tuesday 5th September we celebrated the 30th Anniversary of The Littleport Society’s formation in 1987.

Members and friends joined the current Littleport Society Committee for an evening at The Village Hall, Littleport, to help celebrate the special occasion.

An iced cake celebrating The Littleport Society's 30th anniversary.
Our 30th Anniversary cake!

The evening, which was compared by founding Committee member, and current Honorary Treasurer and Membership Secretary Bruce Frost, also included wonderful fenland-themed music from the Cambridgeshire folk group Hobsons Voice.

Hobsons Voice with Bruce Frost of The Littleport Society.
Hobsons Voice with the Society’s Hon. Treasurer and Membership Secretary – Bruce Frost (not singing).

We were also delighted to welcome back author John M. Taylor, who describes himself as “being dragged up in Littleport”. He will be signing copies of his latest book ‘I Will Find You’. Copies of which will be available via The Littleport Society after the event.

Of course, the occasion was marked with a beautiful and delicious cake by our Archivist Maureen Scott, and decorated with the Society shield, as designed in 1987 by the late Bob Browning.

By Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin is the Digital Projects Manager at The Littleport Society, he works with the Archivists to digitise and catalogue our archive. He's also a Cambridgeshire family historian, and the host of The Family Histories Podcast.